Plot owners meeting on 22nd August 2021

As scheduled the meeting was organised in the Colony at one of the open areas with promised arrangements to sit for few hours. There were about 34 members participated in the meeting.
The meeting started with a welcome note and intro by Mr. Ravindrababu, Secretary of the Society and continued as below.

The meeting is being organised to
– Provide updates as mentioned in the agenda
– Group as many members as possible and make plot owners visit the colony and check the progress physically
– Have personal interactions and have opinions on the items that are being proposed to implement over the next few weeks
– Listen to everyone who has ideas/proposals for the betterment of the colony

Some of the important points discussed were:

  • Need of the Society
  • Updates by Mr. Ajay Chowdary on registrations
  • Updates by Mr. Sivaram on Legal Matters
  • Updates by Mr. Suresh Aluri on Development
  • Opinions and Suggestions by Members
  • Next actions and conclusions

The meeting was concluded at around 1 PM with plan of action for activities for future.

A detailed minutes of meeting has been prepared and made available under Documents for all registered members.